What is the “Día de los Inocentes”

The Day of the Innocents is on December 28th. It’s a day for children to celebrate innocence by playing jokes or pranks on adults. It’s a national party and in Spain and Latin America and the Día de Los Inocentes is much more than April Fools Day.
This tradition has been practiced since at least 1584 when it was first celebrated in Spain under Phillip II. This celebration was intended to replace the pagan festival honoring Saturnalia and Calends, both festivals featuring lots of drinking and debauchery.
Here I will explain how Mexicans celebrate this holiday:
Culture in Mexico
In Mexico, we are funny by nature. We love to have fun. We think life is too short to pass time complaining or being depressed. So this is our way to take out of reality and make some fun at the cost of somebody else.
Not only do the kids have fun. The adults have a lot of fun with jokes and tricks. We are generous with our jokes because everybody knows that this is all in good fun.
Don’t Loan Money
One of the recommendations this day is DON’T LOAN MONEY. According to this tradition, if you loan money to someone, this person is not obligated to pay you back. This is because the person who received the money is considered innocent and not worthy enough to carry this responsibility.
Newspapers and Media in Mexico
In Mexico the Media participated actively in this tradition, creating fake and ridiculous news. The most famous jokes in Mexico this year are:
- Ryan Donner & Associates Office has a New Margarita Slush Machine
- AMLO cancels the new Santa Lucia Airport
- The peso will be strengthened in 2022 by presidential decree
- Fernández Noroña leaves the 4T before the offer of candidacy for the presidency
- The price of LP gas and gasoline will go down
- Elon Musk announces that he will definitely leave Twitter
- All Zelda titles will be relaunched on Nintendo Switch
- The Patria vaccine is approved for use against Covid in the US and Europe
December 28th is also the day of San Inocencio or St Innocent. This saint is one of several Christian figures who are believed to intercede on behalf of children before God.
If you’re looking for some fun this holiday season, we recommend that you try out these jokes or pranks on your unsuspecting friends and family members!