3 Tips to Make Your Property Worth More Money
Real estate in Puerto Vallarta is a hot commodity. With so many people wanting to buy properties, it’s important to have the right presentation. Whether you’re selling your condo, there are some things that can make all the difference in attracting buyers and making them want to invest in your property.
What makes a property more attractive? The answer isn’t as simple as just listing what goes into making any property good: location, size, layout… We need to give potential buyers something else if you want them to choose your home over another listing on the market. Beyond these basics, there are other details that might not seem like much but actually play an integral role in drawing prospective clients into your property.
There are many details that one can take into consideration to make a property more attractive-some seem minor, but have a major impact on the sale of the property. Some details include:
Lighting is essential
This should be considered and should not be too bright or dim. Different kinds of light exist: warm, cold, natural, direct, indirect… When you play with all of these you offer a sensorial experience. This does not necessarily have to be expensive, you can do it with simple bulbs, lamps, install transluc blinds, buy some small bed lamps or desk lamps and play with the little lights around you. These details make a difference.
Lighting can change how we perceive space, so it’s good to take it into consideration.
Balanced spaces
Sometimes we feel so proud of ourselves and we want to show that to the world through wall art, photos, sculptures, etc. When clients go a visit your property this could play against your possibility of a sale. Not everybody will like your style, and this does not mean that you have bad taste. All this doesn’t mean you will take all your art down at once, but talk with your realtor about what they think could be better depending on the type of client they considered your listing would have.
This also applies to furniture, which is typically thought of as being smaller in size. The furniture appears larger when it is reduced because the space will seem greater. However, the opposite occurs when the furniture is increased in size. A smaller all-white sofa in a big space is gonna make it look smaller because our eyes are attracted by contrast. The same goes for artwork, let’s say you have two pieces one big and one small, if they are both in your living room or dining room with other things that make them seem like they fall apart, then you should think of taking at least the bigger one down.
That’s not to say that you can’t have artwork in your listings but remember when showing off spaces less is more!
Please keep in mind this general rule: If there is too much stuff – it looks cluttered; if there isn’t enough stuff – it feels empty. EVERYTHING IS A BALANCED.
Give some green to the space
In a condo is difficult to have a garden, but it isn’t an excuse to not have some green spaces. If you have a balcony, it’s a great idea to plant some colorful plants or flowers. It won’t only give the space more color but also add an eco-touch to your condo.
If you don’t have a balcony, try adding green wallpapers on the wall near the window or near your work desk, surrounded by some small interior plants. This way you can enjoy being inside watching your little garden grow while enjoying a cup of tea in the kitchen or while taking a nap in the living room while listening to rain sounds with your headphones. It will definitely add some value to your property.
If you don’t have a balcony or a little outdoor space, you can check with local nurseries to advise you about interior plants. Some of them do not need too much sun.
Suculentas is a clear example of plans not needing too much care if you are afraid of killing them. These plants will give some life to your apartment and they will transmit some peace to the potential buyer who visits your property.
The input is a blog post about how to make your property more attractive. There are many things that can be done to give the space some life and appeal for potential buyers, including decorating with plants or green wallpaper. These changes will help you create an environment that appeals to prospective buyers who may want to come in for a showing of the property. If you’re not sure if is the best time for sale don’t hesitate to talk with some of our agents, they will be happy to have a friendly talk to you resolve all your questions and concerns.